WINK! *screams! and faints. -,-*
Isn't he adorable? GAH. I'm so high now! XD anyway. nothing really exciting today... Except, something stupid happened. -,- Well, it didn't exactly "happen" as it was clumsy me... Accidentally doing it. lol!
Its like that, i got up in the morning, and then i went to brush my teeth and did my stuffs. Anyway, i saw my mom prepareing burger for me. And my hands and mouth itched to get it. So i made no effort of stoping myself. Unfortunately... I ran out of time and i rushed down so i wouldn't miss the bus. But yeap, i forgotten to wear my glasses. lol!. -,- So you can guess that i was practically blind the whole day in school. Lol!
That's about it. I'm soooo tired cuz i'm sick. Sorry guys. TT