I'm afraid of walking alone. I want you by my side.
Another week has gone pass. The feelings haven't subside. I wonder how long will it take me to FULLY recover. I eat normally now. (i'm eating and typing at the moment, normal?==") and i do sleep now. Honestly, but i always wake up at 5 o'clock. Why? I have absolutely no idea. Gosh, its killing me to see myself nowadays. I look terrible. My eye bags are getting worse, i'm having black eyes too. Like a panda girl. Geez, no wonder i hate looking into mirrors nowadays. Well, i was never a big fan of mirrors. So yeah. You get the picture. =.=
Anyway, just brief you guys about my week last week, and probably yesterday. Okay, this was...i think last last last week stuffs. We (min yu, yinglee, yonghan and me) were playing Truth or Truth because well, the teacher was a crazy "OWL" who says I all the time. Know who? Yes? Good. Haha. So while we were playing, the tension was quite thick. Haha. Not exactly, just that, we were very serious. Even Min yu is serious. Wow. I never thought i'd live to see the day he was serious. XD oops. And so, skip skip skip, they asked me who i liked and i told them. LOL. i'm clever enough. So, those who know i'm clever will know what i said. LOL !! And later, Our BELOVED DANIEL LING came back!!! AHHH!!! LOL. And then yonghan told him what questions we asked. And all of us promised that what is said cannot be repeated to other people. so blah blah blah. Daniel keep asking me who i like, and i didn't want to tell him, cuz its gonna be the hottest gossip of the universe (i think). LOL! nah, just kidding. So i kept giving him clues and later he ask is it this block..then i hesitated and said, yes. Then it was like he wanted to ask more, but i said, HEY, THAT'S A HUGE CLUE. and then Woo CHun Hong said,
"wAhh, huge clue weihs, huge clue, wah 英文哩。。wah..ehh, 什么是huge clue?"( he asked the person beside him.)
OMGGG!!! ROFLMAO!! hahahaha. and then another thing, ying lee and i were talking about ''somebody'' who betrayed her friend, (LOL)! and then i told ying lee something that she reacted quite...well. You know what, so she said, (PN LAU WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF US)
"yerh! 酱坏的她!如果是我,我早就一巴盖下去了!!"
and then the teacher stared at us. I snorted and began to laugh. Ying lee looked horrified and said, ''sorry teacher sorry teacher...." omggg!!!! it was so damn funny!! but the teacher didn't say anything..she just raised an eyebrow and walked away. Ohmyholygosh..haha!! It happened on a thursday i remember. Haha.
Nothing really happened yesterday. All i can remember is the time when he looked at me. I keep replaying the scene when our eyes met. I tried to focus on the things teacher was saying, alas, i lost myself again. Gahh. It just hurts me to know that he's the one who turns away always. And now, i have to turn away before he turns, because i can't bear it when he's the one who turns away first. T.T
So anyway, i hope you've enjoyed my post. LOL. even though it was quite boring i suppose. I'll try to be more myself, so i could bring joy and laughter in class. HAha.Byee!! =)