You bet. ;D
Yea yea i know. Its like since forever since i have updated my blog. Well i'm really sorry but i was busy studying (YEAH RIGHT*rolls eyes*). No, i'm really serious, i really did study. And YES, if you have to know, it does make a BIG difference between NOT studying and studying. -,- But, why the annoyed looks? I did apologise, didn't i? ;D aww c'mon don;t gimme that look. -,- Its either you find this amusing or you're just plain boring with no sense of humour. JUST KIDDING.
Anyway, urm... its been hectic since i haven't blogged. Which is, the reason why i did not... you know, update this dude. Brief explanations:
I was so so so so so so so so so so so BUSY.
There. Short and sweet.(like minskirt)ps: this quote was from my chinese teacher. @@
Anyway, okay. i've finished exams and just wanted to tell you guys bout my incredible marks. You would just laugh your head off when you see these. Just, be sure to pick it up before it rolls down the hill. But seeing that we're not living anywhere neatr the hills, you'll have to chase it for a long way. LOL! Nah, i'm just talking crap. Gosh... i'm so tired. -.-I've changed my mind, i'm not gonna tell you guys bout my "incredible" marks. We can store it in the hush-hush business.
I'm so frustrated lately. Things are going wrong and worse. Phew. How do people cope with it when i'm on the edge of the cliff? -,- Argh, i don't know what to say. Ending it seems impossible. Mimicking nicholas these few days, i'm like... the chipmunk version... or in modern days, one of the iphone apps, TALKING TOM! Yea, normally i am annoyed. but it seems i'm annoying nicholas more. AHAHA. -,- Its just so crazy now. LOL!
Anyway, i gotta go, my mom is coming home any second, RUN! XD