Monday, May 31, 2010

I wish that life is like drawing, when you go wrong, you can just rub it off.

Have you guys ever felt tired of life? Lately, i'm beginning to get tired of it. I wish that life was like when everything goes wrong you can just delete it. I can't really be happy of everything. I'm trying to change. Change myself for the better. But, its not possible right? Yeah...i know nothing is impossible but i really am so tired.

He is my first concern. I do not want anyone to start asking him any stupid questions about anything stupid. Just leave him alone, let it go guys. Its really isn't any your business, so just mind your own business, there's no way the truth will come out.

I think i've decided to live on life without him. I must try, without trying, i'll never know whether i can live on. But i know, choosing any road, it must start with this. Letting go of him. As usual, he's got a headstart before me again. I can't say that if he is happy, i'll be REALLY happy.I'll just be happy for him. But, whether i'll live down the regrets i don't know. I guess it all depends on me now right? He's moved on, i gotta move on too. I know, but why whenever i want to move on, something will come and stop me from moving on.

I shouldn't be focusing on these i know, studies comes first. I know, i know. I just, feel so bad inside whenever i see those couples. I try to smile like i don't give a damn of what's happening. But in the end, i'm just killing myself. Seeing him makes it so hard to breathe, thinking of him makes it so hard to focus.

Sometimes i think to myself, is it because i still believe i love him, and that's why i'm not letting go. Or is it because i really can't let him go? Which ever way, its killin' me. Everyday i see him, i try picturing some other girl beside him, but the thought of it makes me nauseus. It makes me feel so..... so.... jealous? I can't believe i'm finally feeling jealous. HAh, i'm honestly going mad.

Now playing Wedding Dress by Big Bang.

Goodbye EL 900

Hey guys, sorry i did not blog for such a long time. Pretty busy these days. And you know, my electone is gonna be trade in for a new one today. I need to let out my feelings so i decided to blog. Luckily when she's gonna be given out that i'm in school, then i wouldn't need to cry. But oh boy, sure as hell i'll miss her. She'd accompanied me through 2 heartbreaks before. Gosh, can you believe that i'm crying for something that is a non-living thing? I can't believe it too.
I only wish, whoever it was sold to, will treat it nicely. Treat her well, she's been a very good, no, scratch that, an AWESOME electone, the BEST ''non-living friend'' ever. YOu may ask, why don't i keep both of them, new and old, well, because its traded in. If i don't trade in, the price is about RM 47,500.(if i'm not mistaken)so when i trade in, its for like,around a few thousands, and then price is around 30,000 i think. Yeah...How many songs have i played on her before.. when i was feeling angry or emo or sad, she would ''listen''. Gosh, I'll really really really miss her like hell. Anyway, i gotta go now. Exam time. Byee. =(