Dear OPO , just got your message through windows live messenger. I must be looking like an idiot now who keeps smiling. I think i'm gonna have a crack on the side of my mouth XD haha. Anyway, hope you're fine there. The weather's quite cold here, (YA, i know, in MALAYSIA, cold?! *freaky* XP) so i'm wondering whether you're hugging yourself for warmth there. Haha. If not enough, there's actually some here. XD
So anyway i was going to blog about what happened today. Not much actually, just that my friend came over and we did log files together. Haha, yea i'm still doing log files. Swtz right? And yea laughed a lot, i even forgotten bout you for quite a moment. XP just kidding . Just sometimes i need something to take you off my mind. LOL. but overall, i'm fine. It's like living my everyday life.
Then i watched the korean drama. Yea, i nearly died of excitement. haha. Shinwoo is... Haiz. Really good LOL. So that's all , for now. Nothing exciting ever happens here. T.T too bad huh?
Am starting to count down. X) So, hope you're having fun there. ;D miss you.
joan (;