Okay so,on the 7th of november,there was this,Kuen cheng night in my old school..i reached there around 5 o'clock cuz my mom is in charge so she has to be early..so yeah..i followed..you bet it was boring walking round and round the school!!!!!XD And..he didn't come..i guess it was meant to be that way..haiz..anyway there were all kinds of quite interesting programmes..check it out:

me and my senior..hehe.

my school..after rain..or should i say..when it is raining..haha..

yeah my school..kinda miss it now..
my kor..hehe..XD.where's sao sao?
O.o..sexy backs!!!XD
haha..just play only de larhhs..XD.

see what i mean when i say she keep going on and on about how handsome she is?==''...

yup..wai yee and
our bro..
this is...moi bro..nice seeing you kor!
me and wai yee..XD..i know..perasan until go toilet take picture..haha..

me and cassandra..wah..become so leng luii already..XD.
there's actually a webcam there..so we just took picture!XD..so syok..haha..

yeah..this is what has become of wai yee..now she's goin on and on about how good she look..haiz..haha!