Lately i haven't been blogging much i know. Well, i've decided to study starting from now. ;D Aww, come on, wipe that face off, i know your eyes must be bulging out of their sockets to know that i've started studying. And so, erm... well, i kind of feel tired of everything lately. Amazing what studying can do huh?
Anyway, i have a question, so i hope some can answer me, but what is trust? Is it something you must have in daily life? I noticed that we've been fighting/argueing a lot. But i feel like you're unhappy with me about some things. I don't know what you want me to do. He is only my best friend, and does that issue bother you so much? Does it matter to you? You just don't get it. Even though you told me that you trust me, i find it hard to believe you. Maybe, i'm over sensitive, but i'm not stupid. I know you, when you're angry, you tend to have this "whatever" attitude. And why is it so hard to trust me?
To be honest, when you said you can't accept that, i was so shocked. You can't imagine how it feels like, its like you were walking along the street minding your own business and suddenly an airplane lands right in front of you. All along you said you were fine and then now you tell me its not fine? Are you trying to kill me? =.=" You guys might be equally important to me, but its not the same. He's like my bro, you... its a whole different case.
When i see you, i'm almost afraid to look at you. I don't dare to look into your eyes, cuz i'm afraid that you might see my weakness. And you can't imagine how fast my heart beats when i see you, sometimes i swear that my heart stopped for that second. You don't know that's how i feel don't you? When i'm near you, i'm afraid to breathe, i'm afraid that you will hear my heart beating. And when i see you, its as if butterflies were flying in my stomach and this knot just can't ever be removed.
That's all I have to say.