You really have absolutely no idea. :X
Today, i was getting all grumpy and bad tempered because of some minor stuffs. Yeah, i am bad tempered. So anyway, i was going on and on about how other people and their siblings cope with each other and using other people siblings to compare with my sis to my mom. And when i was halfway through a sentence, my mom told me, you know, you don't hate your sister so much, its just that you're being bad-tempered now and really wanna let go. I understand, but you really don't mean it. And even though you are going to fight back and tell me "As a matter of fact, I DO mean it." You really don't mean it. Oh well.
And then i calmed down and thought, my mom's right, I don't mean it. I'm happy with my sister although sometimes we grit our teeth and feel like we wanna rip out each other heads just to get even. But that's the whole point isn't it? Siblings are meant to fight, and later hug each to make it up. Siblings are meant to talk about everything and stay up late just to talk about it. There isn't any way to cut this bond between family.
And i know, often some would say, " OHH! that lucky bitch! How i wish i were her !" well, you really don't wanna be her because she's a bitch as you just said. And comparing your life, your special-in-every-way-life, with someone who, perhaps you barely know, isn't worth it. Because you just DON'T KNOW what that person's been through. For all you know, that person may be a person with leukemia or aids, but they look so healthy. Yeah, when you're them, perhaps you'll think back, maybe being myself is the best. And this is the part, where you moan and groan and throw a humoungous tantrum and everybody you love gets hurt. Whoa, if you did that, congrats, you are so brilliant.
You have to know, if God made us all different, it means we were all meant to do different things. I'm sure this has happened many times, when you hope for this something, you got another thing instead. And later, you were furious and was thinking about flinging yourself off the highest floor. Well, don't even bother to think about it, it doesn't help. NOT that i've tried it before. -,- And next, you were so happy that you got this instead and it was at good purpose. Has that ever happened before? I'm sure it has. So, you see, everything happens for a REASON. Things may not come in the way that you expected it, but in a different way, that perhaps, changed you, or your point of view.
When i was small, i wanted a barbie doll every year for my birthday. Of course, that never happened. But, i got this barbie doll during one of my birthdays. My sister already has one, so i've been "harassing" my mom to get one for me. And she did, so i treasured the barbie doll and took really great care of it. And its still in good shape till now. Yes, i'm still keeping it. Shush. :X And the next year, i HOPED that she would get another one for me. But sadly, i didn't get anything for my birthday, or did i ? I've forgotten. But i remembered, i went to New Zealand and met my aunt's friends there, one of them gave me a book, and i still have it till now. It was this, TOY STORY BOOK, that led me to my current favourite activity, i suppose you should know. Reading.
Weird isn't it, how things work? It's fascinating to me. Absolutely mind-boggling. Explosive mind-booming. PHEW. I started to accept things they are now, like, i was trying to feed a bird that came into my garden but when i was reaching it, it flew away. =.=" i reckon it thinks i'm gonna catch it and torture it. I don't blame it. This means the bird is really smart to know what humans are thinking, NOT that i'm thinking about it. So anyway, this is what i have to say only. Good day people. ;D