Gosh its been really hectic these few days. I never got the time to slow down, sit down and take deep breaths. Its always rushing here and there like we're making preparations for world end (LOL, TOUCHWOOD! * runs off and touch a wood *) LOL. These few days i'm really starting to feel semangat a bit larh. Don't ask me why, cuz i ain't gonna tell you why. Cuz i sendiri pun tak tahu. :X
Okay, tell you guys something tres funny. Yesterday my sis was packing her luggage as she is going to a prefect kursus today. So when we were eating dinner, my sis got a phone call, it was from her friend (i don't wanna mention name, LOL) and then i heard her ask my sis, what kind of bag is my sis bringing. so my sis say, she's bringingthose like hand carry de la. Then suddenly my sis laugh, then i look up, and heard my sis say, err..you mean your luggage 50 cm long or bla bla bla something like that la, then my mom put down her chopsticks and ask me,"tomorrow they are going by airplane arh? why need to measure ? " Then i laugh and nearly spit out my soup. LMAO. Then i told my mom, " the last time i checked, they are going by bus." then we continue eating. OMG.so damn freaking funny that time. LOL.
Um, i'll just brief you guys on what i ddi yesterday. Well, i came home from school, bathe, ate, watch tv, and just keep on sms-ing with... LOL. =.= Yeap. VERY. LOL . i didn't study at all. So i didn't study yesterday, i gotta study now. BYEE. =)