Its the first day of sunday class today. I was practically dragging myself to attend class. Then when i went in the class everyone was staring at me.. That is why i hate going through the front door... Why is the use of building the back door if we have to use the front door. Smart people. ==''.. And then i found a corner which i immediately sat down and started fuming. Later, the teacher,Anne Darcy started to teach and i immediately took a sudden liking to her.
After that, she asked us to write down our concerns and worries on a piece of paper. I wrote down something that has been bothering me for a long long time. And she asked us to crush that piece of paper and close our eyes and simply pick a piece of statement. The one i chose didn't made sense at all. And i was quite bothered about it. Then, the teacher said something that strucked me... She said :'' If you do not understand what that piece of paper is talking about.. don't worry..you'll understand it sooner or later. And who knows? It may change everything in your life. " And then she mentioned, we should have a relationship with Jesus. Everytime we have a problem, turn to Jesus first, as only he, could make things better and show you the way. God gave the world Jesus so we could turn to Jesus as soon as we have worries. Maybe i should start confiding into Jesus about my problems.. NO matter what, heart-breaks, family problems all stuff.. we can confide into Him.
Next she said something about FAith. Faith, what does this word mean to you? When people ask, what is it so great about this Jesus of yours? Its everything about him that is great. He sacrificed himself to save us all from our sins. Coming back to the word "FAITH", it also means everything to us when it comes to religion. And then, class ended. I went out of the class thinking about today's lesson.
It may change everything in your life. These words kept floating around my head the whole day. How??? How does it change my life? How CAN it change my life? And then, i remembered that my teacher said, "Jesus will show you the way". I read one of the paragraphs from the Bible. " Treat your enemies like they are your friends, learn to forgive, and lastly, learn to love." SO i thought, maybe what i said about the girl was very bad. I keep using other people's sins to punish myself. But, i can hardly imagining treating her like my friend..she's barely tolerable. GAH! Now i'm punishing myself again.
And now, i'm trying to walk around wearing a 3 inches high high heels. Whoaa.. man, i can hardly walk gracefully like a swan swimming in the pond. I look more like a duck dancing around. haha. But, i'll keep on practicing until i can wear it to have a high heel runnning competition. HAHA. FAT CHANCE. I think so too.==''... LOL. SO, thAT's all for today. BYEee!!
My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you only see one set of footprints, it was then that i carried you. -Footprints.
I will carry my cross and follow you, Jesus.
After that, she asked us to write down our concerns and worries on a piece of paper. I wrote down something that has been bothering me for a long long time. And she asked us to crush that piece of paper and close our eyes and simply pick a piece of statement. The one i chose didn't made sense at all. And i was quite bothered about it. Then, the teacher said something that strucked me... She said :'' If you do not understand what that piece of paper is talking about.. don't worry..you'll understand it sooner or later. And who knows? It may change everything in your life. " And then she mentioned, we should have a relationship with Jesus. Everytime we have a problem, turn to Jesus first, as only he, could make things better and show you the way. God gave the world Jesus so we could turn to Jesus as soon as we have worries. Maybe i should start confiding into Jesus about my problems.. NO matter what, heart-breaks, family problems all stuff.. we can confide into Him.
Next she said something about FAith. Faith, what does this word mean to you? When people ask, what is it so great about this Jesus of yours? Its everything about him that is great. He sacrificed himself to save us all from our sins. Coming back to the word "FAITH", it also means everything to us when it comes to religion. And then, class ended. I went out of the class thinking about today's lesson.
It may change everything in your life. These words kept floating around my head the whole day. How??? How does it change my life? How CAN it change my life? And then, i remembered that my teacher said, "Jesus will show you the way". I read one of the paragraphs from the Bible. " Treat your enemies like they are your friends, learn to forgive, and lastly, learn to love." SO i thought, maybe what i said about the girl was very bad. I keep using other people's sins to punish myself. But, i can hardly imagining treating her like my friend..she's barely tolerable. GAH! Now i'm punishing myself again.
And now, i'm trying to walk around wearing a 3 inches high high heels. Whoaa.. man, i can hardly walk gracefully like a swan swimming in the pond. I look more like a duck dancing around. haha. But, i'll keep on practicing until i can wear it to have a high heel runnning competition. HAHA. FAT CHANCE. I think so too.==''... LOL. SO, thAT's all for today. BYEee!!
My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you only see one set of footprints, it was then that i carried you. -Footprints.
I will carry my cross and follow you, Jesus.