abc'sShareRULES:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to copy-paste this note, and answer all the questions. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged - including the person who tagged you.
ABC About You Questions:A - AVAILABLE: YesB - BIRTHDAY: 29-11-1996[presents ya!!xD]C - CRUSHING ON: nobody..==''...D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD:!
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: my friends..F - FAVORITE SONG: hmm.loads..R&B...classics like Debussy's...erm..Claire de name it.other kinds too..hmm..G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: GUMMY BEAR(certainly not worms!![gulp])H - HOMETOWN: Seremban..somewhere there..i think..XD.. I- IN LOVE WITH: erm...ah!! wife..haha!
J - JUGGLE: no..==''..K - KILLED SOMEONE: YA THINK?!!!L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: erm...i don't know..cuz i always sleep..cuz i get car sick..==''...M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: erm...i don't really drink those..[gulp]
O - ONE WISH: peace?
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: call log says..CHEE WENG?!!!OHMIGOD!I DIDN'T CALL HIM!!!R - REASON TO SMILE: ermm...i don't know..i like to smile..i think?haha!
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: this morning?8something..haha!U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: i'd prefer not to answer that question.
V - VEGETABLE(S): i supposed to know what it means?as in,vegetables only?W - WORST HABIT: let's see..the worst is...well..when i get bored my hands start to get in tschool the person beside me kena cham..i know..xD...but i also kena by her...haiz..=='' war 3..muahahaha!X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: noneY – YOYOS ARE: what kinds of yoyo?modern or tradisional?Z - ZODIAC : Sagitaurius
Random QuestionsAbout YouSpell your name without vowels: Jn Ch W-y
What color do you wear most?:black and white..mostly white
Least favorite color?erm...not really any..What are you listening to?:LOVE DRUNK by BOYS LIKE GIRLS!!!!*screams and faints..xD..
Are you happy with your life right now?:yeah..i think..what's there to be sad of?When do you start back at school/college?:erm...we started school three days ago?
Less Favorite pair of shoes?: slipperWhere do you wish you were right now?: in korea?haha..or maybe new zealand??
THE CANS:Can you dance?: don't know..Can you tie a cherry stem with you mouth?: noCan you whistle?: oh yeah!!you bet..haha!!Write with both hands?:yeah..well..i scribble though..haha!Walk with your toes curled?:that's a challenge...i'll work on it..haha!
THE DO'S:Do you believe there is life on other planets?: no
Do you believe in miracles?: yes
Do you believe in magic?:well..not really..
Love at first sight?: don't know
Do you believe in Satan?: NO!! ANTI-SATAN.HAHA!
Do you believe in Santa?: YES!i got presents from him when i was...well..5 year old..haha..cuz i never hang my christmas stockings these few years..==''..
Do you know how to swim?: yes
Do you like roller coasters?: erm..not really..i haven't really go on one..last time i tried to go on one..the person say i'm too short..==''..and i don't think i want now..i'll probably throw up.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: NO.excuse me a mo..i'm gonna throw up.
Have you ever been on a plane?: yes!
Have you ever asked someone out?: no..
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yeah..==''...
Have you ever been to the ocean?: yea
Have you ever painted your nails?: no..=='' interest..
What is the temperature outside?: well..if u ask me..i think its around..39 degree celcius?
What radio station do you listen to?: hitz fm
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: a korean restaurant
What was the last thing you bought?: ermm...a book?
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: news?
Who was the last person you IM'd? : wife..haha!
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: my teddy bear?haha!
Who was the last person you said I love you to?:erm...i sang a song that has that word..does that count?
Ever really cried your heart out?: yes
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: erm...twice i than that..uncountable..haha!
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yeah
Ever cried over the opposite sex?:[scoff!! and snort!!]never!!i just realized there's no point crying over jerks..if he made you cry,then he's not worth it.
Do you cry when you get an injury?:sometimes?
Do certain songs make you cry?:so far i'm standing high..muahahaha!
Are you a happy person?: yeah..what's there to sulk with?i've got my family..what more could i ask for?
What can make you happy?: my friends and my family?
Do you wish you were happier?: i think i reached the limit..haha!
Can music make you happy?:yup
How many times have you had your heart broken? be honest,once..==''...
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: NO..==''..of course not..well,at least not yet..
What is your current hair color?: erm...according to my wife(sweelynn) its dark brown..==''...
Current piercings?: none
Have any tattoos?: least not now..
Eye color:
Favorite eye color: hazel brown
Short or long hair: short
Height: 157cm...does that count as tall?
Best clothing: don't know
Been to jail: NO
Laughed so hard you cried?: yes..
Cried in school: yes
Thrown up in a store: well..i did that in korea..haha!ate too much seaweed so i threw up in the restaurant..==''..
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: yup
Gone skinny dipping:err..i don't know what does that's sense..==..
Pepsi or Coke:coke..
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald
Single or Group Dates:i don't have dates c'mon!
Chocolate or vanilla:erm..maybe mix it?
Strawberries or Blueberries: can i mix it too?
Meat or Veggies: say we must have a healthy diet,so..maybe both together?haha!
TV or Movie: least it's more comfy..haha..
Guitar or Drums?: both
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chinese or Mexican: Mexican i think..haha!
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: BOTH!!!!
Cake or Pie: CAKE